




心向快乐第一季 剧照 NO.1心向快乐第一季 剧照 NO.2心向快乐第一季 剧照 NO.3心向快乐第一季 剧照 NO.4心向快乐第一季 剧照 NO.5心向快乐第一季 剧照 NO.6心向快乐第一季 剧照 NO.13心向快乐第一季 剧照 NO.14心向快乐第一季 剧照 NO.15心向快乐第一季 剧照 NO.16心向快乐第一季 剧照 NO.17心向快乐第一季 剧照 NO.18心向快乐第一季 剧照 NO.19心向快乐第一季 剧照 NO.20
更新时间:2024-03-02 16:09




 1 ) 太戳了


我觉得自己对亲密关系成瘾真的是the saddest thing ever heard.





Life is suck.

 2 ) 我今天遇到了一个Crush

最近的下饭剧从压抑的纪录片换成了《feel good》(不要被《心向快乐》这个傻白甜译名骗了),









-“when did you lose your virginity?”





-“Are we on a date?”





“enjoy your date.”


































 3 ) Did Everyone Have a Good Childhood?

标题来自于Mae在她现实中的stand up comedy opening中最喜欢说的一句话,很可爱也很讽刺。


Childhood matters (Google Scholar)


她和她妈妈聊天说觉得自己成年人生活“flat”,妈妈:“大概因为你很久没吸毒也没对任何人上瘾了。”然后她开始模仿父母一边开第五瓶酒一边谈论着自己的孩子说不知道孩子怎么长成这样是遗传了谁。(来源:Netflix Mae Martin专辑)我不知道Mae对自己的童年定义到底是快乐还是不快乐,但我觉得她既然选择用这句话做开场,一定是有所思考的。

We all need a little addiction to get through this fucking miserable life. Her addiction is love relationships and straight women.

她本人也是性取向流动性的行走代言人。油管有很多采访,当然还有她自己的演出里都有提到,她觉得自己不符合LGBT任何一个角色,并且认为这样的标签很无趣。20岁之前的她,有过小男友,20-30是和女孩子们度过的美好时光,现在30出头又重新开始与男性约会, she really is something else!

(我很喜欢的一本相关话题的书: //www.douban.com/note/718891946/


Lisa Kudrow


In case you never watched Friends, let me tell you what I love about Phoebe Buffay. She had two moms and a dad. One mom killed herself when she was 13, another showed up in her life until she was 26 and dad went to prison. Yet she turned out fine. The society failed her, but she chose not to revenge. She had seen the worst in humanity but still loves the world as it is. This is the true heroism.





Love really does make people Feel Good.

Now, What's your addiction?

 4 ) 一些personally的感想



先从我觉得不足的地方着手,确实比起我以往看的很多les电影来说,比起那些,这部更加现实和现在,可能电影只有两个小时,所以不论《Blue is…color》(很多人也提到)或者最近看的《烧女图》,电影总是试图在两个小时把情感表达的最浓烈,剧情的曲折和复杂度也并不会这么高。也是因为这样的对比,所以总让我觉得Mae和G之间的感情不够浓烈。(但也可能是演员的问题也未可知)。

片子选了一条主线或者topic,就是所谓t(gay)与直女之间的爱情。在这很想提一下,其实很多人都并不想定义自己的取向,就像我自己,这也是我很有共鸣的一点,就像J在厕所里问Mae,你是lesbian吗?Mae说“我不想label myself”,这一点我就很有共鸣,我相信取向是流动性的,我看起来像tomboy就不代表我一定是gay,这便是一个探索自己的过程,限制住自己反而会让自己更struggle。


作为t不代表就不能女孩了。我太能理解Mae对与自己gender “in between”的那种感受了。“我既不是男孩,也算不上女孩,我就是freak”,这是很多queer可能都会有活动心理活动,总觉得自己的gender不能融入这个社会,以及这个社会对性别的定义,于是觉得自己是不被爱和奇怪的。但其实不是,我们,queer,要做到只是我们自己。

我对于这种小t 有点小撒娇太喜欢了。我真的很喜欢这种物理上的错觉,看起很帅气的女孩,但其实也有女孩的一面,内心的敏感,想要come的渴望,想被拥抱和爱,而且可0可1。我很欣赏Mae也是因为,她总是很平和(至少看起来),可能面瘫?哈哈哈哈。

我并不太想把它当成浪漫爱情片看,比起浪漫理想式爱情,这部更多的在反映,每一对les情侣,或多或少都会有过的、出现的问题。尤其是当她俩闹分手那一段,其实就很能看出问题。我太能理解,包括我自己也有过这种心理活动,和一个“直女”或曾有过男朋友的女生在一起,其实内心或多或少会有一种不满足,和差距就在于,自己不是男生,给不了一段“正常”婚姻或未来,该有的样子。我们也希望和自己爱的女人,可以相爱,making love,jizzing,and have a baby,但是我们不可以,因为我们不是男人。


在她俩分手以前那一次sex,也是里面对我最有感觉的一段…当G感觉快要come的时候对Mae说“come inside me…”,其实这几句真的很伤人,也很戳,正中下怀的感觉。Mae的回复也真的太精准了:“ I would love to,but I physically can't!” 这正是我们所缺失,但也是最大的不同。 It reminds me of me and my ex, I am obsessed with making love with her, but the only thing missing is that I really hope I can go inside her, and either she, when we were high. That is supposed to be a “normal” sex....





btw,还想再提一下,Mae在里面真的是赚大了🙃各种人都亲了一遍,见谁就问“do u wanna have sex...”哈哈哈哈哈。而且每次还一脸面瘫的“that will be so cool.”太可了哈哈哈哈。

还有对于那个老师说,“如果你不教孩子们LGBTQIA这方面的话题那是你的问题,这是sexual health课程…你们班还有两个学生是trans呢!”真的很暖心,为学校有这样的开明的眼光感到开心。




 5 ) Why be normal when you could feel good

Yes, I titled my review by using Jeanette Winterson’s biography for reference. It is true if you look it up in Douban, a Chinese version IMDB/Facebook, Feel Good will in the recommendation list as the searching result. In this website, people retitle this show as ‘Drunk in London’. It is accurate to use Drunk to describe the main character Mae Martin’s life predicament. She wants to get on the right path but couldn't help making a mess, she tries to be normal but cannot get rid of the psychological hint that ‘You need to accept you have a problem’, she wants to build up a stable intimate relationship but loses control due to emotional insecurity. But I still prefer the original title ‘Feel good’. It is hard to be normal in this high-demand world, feeling good is enough.

The encounter

After watching the series in one sitting, I can safely say Mae Martin is the second gay girl character I feel myself fall in love with after Anne Lister in Gentleman Jack. (Sorry, Suranne!) She is a special friend being with me in this strange self-isolation period. Can I call it love in the time of cholera? I couldn’t help replaying the scene Mae and George encountering and kissing in the pub. How romantic it is when you find someone in the crowd only laughing at your stuff, getting your point while you’re being ignored by others. England’s rose and the Canadian corn are like a blazing fire and dry wood. It is not all about how a tomboy chase a straight girl and how a straight girl seduce an unconfident lesbian. This is a vibrant start that I bet each girl is longing for. You might have a relatable journey that you are falling for a person who is not of the same clan but you think the fate drops from the clouds and the refreshing relationship will be working between you two. After oversharing with a stranger, you believe you have a bond and that’s hard to find in life.

Things usually happen like that, but most beautiful encounters will not end in well. Five minutes past, Mae and George are standing inside and outside the curtain, which implies George is stepping into her life and will be a part of her story. In fact, it does. This is the most subtle camera structure in EP1. It reminds me of how I met my exes, how we consume each other and how I lost them in the end. I suddenly realise I see my own reflection in Mae’s pupils when she says ‘I am not intense’.

Between normal and abnormal

It is rather to say Feel Good is a dark story than rom-com. At least, let’s say it is a heart-breaking life story dress like a love story. Mae Martin's tribulations she experienced in her career, family, and relationships are the main topics of the show. Before that, I’ve had enough of messy ‘permutation and combination’ style relationships in The L Word. Hetero audience hunt for novelty in LGBT TV drama but ignore character’s daily concerns as ordinary persons. They also have issues of how to repair the parent-child relationship, how to express who they really are in front of their friend who is always in the dominant position. Feel good has a unique texture with life-like characters. Each character in this show is so real. Their witty dialogues tickle my fancy all the time.

I can feel the director and the writer manage to keep up a high level of real emotions throughout the show and they capture characters’ dazzling personalities with a brisk pace. In this story, Mae and George are both like premature babies in the incubates, waiting for growth to be big, confident flowers. The director did not portray them as aliens but show strong empathy to care their own inner development. We witness their journeys in pain and sober.

My inner journey of watching "Feel Good" is like a roller-coaster.

E1: Oh!!! Mae and George are just adorable!

E2: Well...I changed my mind. I'd better stand for Mae and Lava?

E3: It is a bloody embodiment of "Please never date a straight girl unless you want to date for floods of tears."

Mae is an authentic, awkward, blunt, needy, sensitive girl with forlorn hope on George’s love. In her whole life, she has felt she is not in the right place. There is ‘other place’ she supposes to be. She thinks people are just swapping one addiction for another, while George is her another addiction. My favourite scene is in the EP3. Mae feels humiliated and a bit angry when being told to enjoy the party. Her confession broke my heart for real.

‘You grew up rich and white and straight and hot, you won the lottery. Of course, you want to dance. You're surrounded by people that want to fuck you. Of course, I don't want to dance in front of people that would have bullied me in high school. And you are too ashamed to touch me. If you want me to feel confident then hold my hand.’

It is not a gay thing. Any underrepresented people could relate to it. There used to be a moment you thought someone in the crowd could see you, but now you found this person knew nothing about your feelings. You notice the intangible huge gap between you. That really hurts.

As the representative of straight girl, Binky holds the opinion that ‘birds of a feather flock together’ by bring Mae and her lesbian cousin together. It is like saying ‘Hey gay girl should stay in your small bubble. That is the norm.’ You all know the hilarious result. Two girls hi each other and ‘see you’ soon. I laughed at this stuff not because there is less possibility for two Tomboys to fall in love with each other (on the contrary, they may slag off each other), but shocked by people’ ignorance that they think a lesbian will definitely like another lesbian since your are of the same kind. Come on. We are all human beings having clear love and hate. The gentle satire to some self-righteous people is one of the highlighted moments in this show. Sorry, your norm is ridiculous.

People distorts the definitions of ‘normal’ and fasten it to the minority. I became to realise the reason why the writer did not let Mae choose Lava, another lesbian girl who’s crush on her, even though a lot of my friends stand for them. ‘If you were my girlfriend, I’d make you come in under a minute.’ is the coolest line in this show. Lava is cold but affectionate in her own way. The writer probably wants to break the stereotype that it is easier to love your own kind. I think Mae must bottle a hidden line up: Hey, I cannot love you just because you are lesbian too.

Reframe your self

After watching it a second time, I changed my impression of George. I shouldn’t have been so mean to her when I watched the first time last week. This time, I see her struggling in her new identity. She hurries so much to put lesbian label on herself by saying ‘I have a girlfriend’ to the wedding photographer and ‘I belong to here. I finger my girlfriend a lot’ to the bartender, in order to cover up her inner uncertainty. ‘Your sobriety. Your gender identity. Is there anything isn’t my responsibility?’ She is facing the greatest pressure in her life. Being with Mae is like pulling up seedlings in her mind to help herself grow, in friendship, and in the workplace. But actually, the key point is not about learning how to be a lesbian. Instead, she needs to learn how to express a real herself, uncover her real feelings to the people surrounded, just like Binky says ‘If you are bothered, just tell us.’

There is another storyline of Mae’s narcotics anonymous meeting. This kind of support group is quite common to see in British/American dramas, like Killing Eve and Flack. As a student with a coaching background, I feel negatively surprised to see team members sitting in a circle and saying ‘I am an addict’ followed by self-introduction. Is it really work to settle a matter by giving themselves psychological suggestion that they still have problems? Or they just gather to find I am not the worst one. In EP 4, Lisa Kudrow hits the nail on the head. Everyone feel better or you feel better when people address the elephant in the room? Every time when Mae suffers a setback in relationship with George, she turns to Maggie and Lava. However, the temporary sense of belonging is self-deception.

Like her mother, Mae is a strong, impulsive, stubborn women. But she also has the vulnerable side.

‘But you told me you loved me first. That was the best moment of my life. I’m embarrassed. I let myself think that someone like you could be with someone like me. I’m not a boy. I’m not even a girl. I’m like a failed version of both. Why am I such a freak?’

She has so many feelings. What she wants is being accepted as what she is, being stick with a new healthy addiction. That is George.

In the last episode in season 1, Mae decides to return to George. The plot seems to quite rush. I wouldn’t say they are the perfect couple and I still doubt the relationship will last. But I would like to regard them as a pair of ‘learning buddy’ in this journey. George is the still and quiet habitat and Mae is the Pac-Man. Story is over. Life needs to go on. They both have too much to learn, not only for love but for lives.

Alien they seem to be. No mortal eye could see. The intimate welding of their history. by Thomas Hardy

Other things I want to address

Besides main characters, each supporting role is so lovely: Phil, Binky, Mae’s father, the bartender, and the bellboy in horror hotel. I love the script! I am especially impressed by Mae’s father. He has the wisdom of affairs handling and can read people’s mind accurately.

"You are still and strong, you wear your heart on your sleeves, you are fiercely passionate."
‘Your young lady must be needing you now. She’s off on her own, adrift in uncharted seas.’

He is absolutely one of the best father roles I’ve ever seen.

Now I can say I am ready to graduate from Feel Good after finishing this review. Thank you, Lisa, you remind me of the scotch egg I’ve had in Yorkshire. I am glad you enjoy it too. I will probably visit Blackpool to see the beautiful sunset one day. See you guys in season 2!

by Lssiedusky


 6 ) 喜剧脱口秀演员的半自传爱情故事:这些我们都经历过所以感同身受

Mae Martin不仅是《Feel Good》的女主,是本片编剧之一,同时自己也确实是一位知名喜剧脱口秀演员。《Feel Good》不仅沿用了Mae的名字,故事也基本上是她现实生活的翻版。

3月19日,Netflix发行了新剧《Feel Good》,豆瓣译名《心向快乐》,但我更喜欢之前的译名《迷醉伦敦》。这是一部甜甜的同性爱情剧,讲述了毒瘾缠身的单口喜剧演员Mae Martin和“直女”女朋友的新恋情。从相识到同居,只需要一集。

Mae Martin: 才华横溢的喜剧脱口秀演员

许多观众都为Mae的魅力所折服,而我看完剧只有一个感觉,导演太会选演员了,要知道单口喜剧并不是那么好演的,而Mae在舞台上自然到让所有人相信她作为一个喜剧脱口秀演员的才华。后来一查资料才知道,Mae Martin不仅是《Feel Good》的女主,是本片编剧之一,同时自己也确实是一位知名喜剧脱口秀演员。《Feel Good》不仅沿用了Mae的名字,故事也基本上是她现实生活的翻版。

和《Feel Good》中的女主角一样,Martin来自加拿大。加入《The Young and the Useless》剧团以后,Mae便开始了自己的喜剧生涯,16岁时便获得Tim Sims Encouragement Fund Award(为鼓励戏剧演员新秀设立的奖项)提名,是该奖项有史以来最年轻的提名人。

在脱口秀演出之余,Martin还是加拿大CBC电视台电视喜剧小品系列《Baroness von Sketch Show》的编剧,并凭借出色的剧本撰写才华获得过2次加拿大银幕奖最佳编剧奖。2011年,Martin移居英国,开始在英国参与一些电视和广播节目。2018年,Martin首次出现在Netflix《全球喜剧人》系列中。



在BBC第4频道,Martin有一档专题栏目《Mae Martin's Guide to 21st Century Sexuality》(Mae Martin的21世纪性别指南),专门讨论社会与性别问题。在另一些舞台上,Martin也谈论过“为什么你是同性恋”、“与异性交往”、“生来如此”、“天性还是规训”,这些节目的碎片拼凑起来,便成了我们看到的《Feel Good》。


喜剧的内核,是悲剧,《Feel Good》也一样。剧中George在遇到Mae以前都是异性恋,因而难以跟父母和身边的朋友启齿自己有了女朋友的事,而这也成为了两人矛盾的触发点。Mae在自己的节目中吐露心声,说自己不再穿颜色鲜艳的衣服,但更怕George将自己视为男性。

我们都知道,即使是在性少数群体中,也是存在“鄙视链”的,“双性恋”在同性恋群体中其实是非常不受待见的。《Feel Good》所反映的核心在于同性恋的性别认同,可能与大多数人的认知不同,许多同性恋并不认为自己的社会性别与生理性别相反。





采访部分文字译自Thrillist对Mae Martin的采访:How Mae Martin Mined Her Life Story for Her Bingeworthy Netflix Comedy。



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